Jurnal Muamalat

Jurnal Muamalat

Pendekatan Membuat Keputusan Syariah Dalam Kewangan Islam

No. Jurnal:  Jurnal Muamalat Bil. 1/2008

Penulis:  Suhaimi Mohd Yusof & Ahmad Hazim Alias, Bank Negara Malaysia


The Shariah principles enshrined in al-Quran and al-Sunnah are the main sources for human beings in fulfilling the ever changing needs in daily transactions or muamalah. Instead of being narrow in this issue, Shariah has come up with a flexible means to problem solving by the way of ijtihad. The combination of revelation and human’s intellectual exertion in ijtihad makes Shariah as a dynamic, flexible and expansive source to provide solution for newly emerging problems in different time and places. To ensure Shariah compliance, the supervision over the Islamic finance industry has been carried out both at industrial and central levels. Supervision is done by the in-house Shariah committee ineach Islamic financial institution, while the latter is done by the Syariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia.

Diterbitkan pada : 24-08-2017
Hits : 3475
Seksyen Kajian Muamalat,
Cawangan Kajian Syariah,
Bahagian Penyelidikan,
Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia,
Blok A, Kompleks Islam Putrajaya,
No 23, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Presint 3,
: 03 8870 7000 | : 03 8870 7262
: ukkjakim@islam.gov.my

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Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia

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