Jurnal Muamalat

Jurnal Muamalat

Hukum Wisoyah & Realiti Permasalahannya Dalam Konteks Perancangan Pusaka Islam

No. Jurnal:  Jurnal Muamalat Bil. 1/2008

Penulis:  Naziree Bin Md Yusof 


The concept of estate planning in Islam has always been focusing on bequest and inheritance although both only take effect after the demise of property owner. Wisoyah is the Islamic concept of entrustment in which the responsibility to carry out the wills of property owner such as settling debts, distributing hibah property, managing endowment, and allocating jointly acquired property between the wife or wives are put on a wasi (executor). Issues like whether or not wisoyah complies with Islamic principles, difficulties in its enforcement, and proper property management have made ensuring its effective application a complicated task. In terms of application, wisoyah proves to be conflicting due to difference in views held by institutions entrusted with the task. Therefore, the article will try to shed some light on the exact role of an executor as well as his role in resolving dispute among family members through proper management of inheritance.

Diterbitkan pada : 24-08-2017
Hits : 3994
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Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia

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